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12/01/2021 Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, … Android Imgur API Test. Android app that connects to the Imgur API and manages a user's images. Getting Started. Register an Imgur API Application if you don't have one. You should create your application with the "OAuth 2 authorization with a callback URL" Authorization type. Setup an Authorization callback URL. Imgur is the easiest way to discover the magic of the Internet, with everything from funny pics of pets, to funny GIFs from movies and TV shows, LOL pics, awe-inspiring science facts, puns, comics, and art, upvoted by people like you. Guaranteed to tickle your funny bone and make you LOL your pants off - is that an expression? It is now. Imgur isn’t just the best meme app or GIF viewer on Latest Updates 2012-04-26: released 0.5.0 Introduction Imgur Downloader is an Android application for downloading entire Imgur albums. The user simply has to enter a valid Imgur album URL and the album will be added to the list. The user can choose to download immediately or save it … Imgur has today launched its official Android app via Google Play. The free download brings all of your favorite Imgur features to your mobile device, including the ability to browse viral images, comment and vote on images, and upload images directly from your smartphone. 31/07/2013
程序员 - @smallseven - 最近在用 markdown 写文档,想插入一些图片,需要将图片上传至图床生成 URL,想找一个稳定又好用的图床,最好是免费的,各位 V 友有啥推荐不?感谢~~~ Imgur has today launched its official Android app via Google Play. The free download brings all of your favorite Imgur features to your mobile device, including the ability to browse viral images, comment and vote on images, and upload images directly from your smartphone. Apps for Entertainment . TubeMate Music & Video Downloader is an app to download videos from Youtube directly onto your mobile phone, thanks to which you can have all your favorite videos saved Latest Updates 2012-04-26: released 0.5.0 Introduction Imgur Downloader is an Android application for downloading entire Imgur albums. The user simply has to enter a valid Imgur album URL and the album will be added to the list. The user can choose to download immediately or save it for a later time as the list will… Language Settings . Contribute on Github Just a moment I was able to upload a picture in Imgur and to get the link using example given in the API site. What I can't do is retrieve Bitmap or Drawable from URL. And I find no documentation about it. URL url= "" Bitmap mPic = BitmapFactory.decodeStream (url.openConnection ().getInputStream ()); mPic is null.